The Glenorie Public School Parents & Citizens' Association (P&C) is involved in many aspects of the school and gives parents and carers the opportunity to become involved in the school community.
The purpose of the Glenorie P&C is to:
- operate the school uniform shop with the intention of providing affordable school uniforms for students;
- operate the school canteen in line with the NSW Healthy School Canteen policies at an affordable price;
- operate out of school hours (OOSH) care in line with The Australian Children's Education & Care Quality Authority (ACEQA). It is staffed with qualified and trained care providers that implement an education program for all children attending. It also offers vacation care during school holiday periods.
- fundraise for the benefit of improving the school environment for all children, by providing resources and infrastructure as required.
P&C meetings
All parents are encouraged and invited to attend the monthly P&C meeting, held on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7pm in the school staffroom.
During the meeting, reports are presented from treasury, canteen, uniform shop, out of school hours (OOSH), fundraising and the Principal.
An opportunity is available for parents to raise any general business or ideas.
What happens during P&C meetings?
- The President of the P&C takes chair of the meeting and opens the meeting with a welcome and reviews the prior month minutes.
- Next on the agenda is reviewing the prior month’s financial records with the treasury report.
- This is followed by a report of each subcommittee - Uniform Shop, Canteen, OOSH and Fundraising. At this time a reflection of the prior month’s activities are reported plus discussions are had in relation to any concerns that arise in each area.
- Next the Principal reports of school happenings and is available for any parent questions to be raised.
- The final part of the meeting is open to any special agenda items and general question time.
How you can help the P&C
Parents, caregivers and community members are invited to attend P&C meetings – held the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the school staffroom. This is a good opportunity for you to be involved in the operations of the P&C and it also gives you the arena to voice your ideas and concerns for the school and the environment.
You are encouraged to be a volunteer and assist in the uniform shop, canteen and with fundraising activities. You can fill out a Just One Thing note (PDF 156KB) or contact the P&C at if you have any questions.